Land, Water, Air

Critter Camp Week One - Land
The first week of critter camp really landed with kids and educators alike. The critter kiddos in question had a great time learning about land animals ranging from elephants to wolves. The kids participated in crafts, games, and exploration of the museum.
Finally the time came to apply all they’d learned and practiced in the real world! The kids truly became scientists as they trekked through Big Springs Hollow Loop, identifying insects and observing plants around them on the way. Not even a little bit of rain could stop these explorers! Although, I’d say many of them might recommend a poncho. Let’s hear it for these brave critter camp kiddos!
Lexia, museum educator
Critter Camp Week Two - Water
We got in the flow of things for the second week of critter camp! We had a fantastic time learning about all of the different sea creatures and what helps them to survive underwater! The Critter Campers played a game about echolocation and created their own sea creatures.
On Thursday, we got to see adaptations in action as we explored the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium. The kids enjoyed seeing all the types of creatures we had learned about (and many more) and pointed out other characteristics that they discovered. These small scientists really blew us away with their sea creature knowledge!
Larisa, museum educator
Critter Camp Week Three - Air
The last week of Critter Camp really flew by! We had so much fun learning about flying animals and what makes them fit for the skies. We explored the museum’s exhibits looking for flying birds and insects and used cheetos to demonstrate pollination. We even made our own wings!
For our second day, we got to see some ducks and ducklings at the duck pond on BYU campus, and the kids had a blast building and testing out nests made of sticks and leaves. We then headed for the Provo River Delta, where we saw several different species of birds and butterflies through our binoculars. Nothing like an up-close view to put some wind under the wings of these little scientists!
Alexis, museum educator