Lichen Collection Skip to main content

Research Collections

In addition to our education programs and exhibits, the Bean Life Science Museum is home to several research collections for use by BYU faculty and the larger academic community. If you would like more info on a particular collection, you can contact one of the curators listed on each collection tab.


The lichen and bryophyte collection, one of the largest in North America, contains more than 105,000 specimens, including more than 100 type collections. Specimens are primarily from the western United States, but some worldwide collections are also represented. Many specimens have been obtained in connection with air-quality biomonitoring surveys in western U.S. wilderness areas and national parks. This collection also includes more than 1,500 archival elemental analysis samples.
BYU Lichen Tour

Steven Leavitt

Curator of Lichens and Assistant Professor
Phone: (801) 422-4879
Room: 4143 LSB

Larry St. Clair

Emeritus Curator
Room: 1115C