Reptiles and Amphibians Collection Skip to main content

Research Collections

In addition to our education programs and exhibits, the Bean Life Science Museum is home to several research collections for use by BYU faculty and the larger academic community. If you would like more info on a particular collection, you can contact one of the curators listed on each collection tab.

Reptiles and Amphibians

Specimens: ~43,500
Holotypes: 38
Paratypes: 381
Diversity: Species - 1882, Genera -630, Family - 126

The Brigham Young University Life Science Museum herpetology collection houses over 40,000 fluid preserved specimens, including 38 holotypes, and over 15,000 tissue samples. The geographic focus of the collection is the Great Basin/Intermountain West, but there are also extensive collections from Latin America, Central Africa, and the Pacific.

Wilmer Tanner Publications


Alison Whiting

August 01, 2019 11:53 AM
Curator of Herpetology

Jack Sites

Emeritus Curator