Visiting the Lytle Preserve Skip to main content

General Information

Students, teachers, researchers, and the general public are welcome to visit the Lytle Ranch Preserve. The preserve is a popular destination for bird watchers wanting to add new species to their check list. Every year birders from all over the world visit the preserve!

The preserve is cared for by a full-time, on site manager, who is usually available to greet and orient visitors. For details, please review the “Preserve Use and Fee schedule” document (see downloadable link below). Use of the preserve overnight facilities is scheduled online when making reservations. Day visits do not require reservations.

2103 MLBM
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602
(801) 422-4621

Important Forms:

Liability Form
Use Policy and Fee Schedule

Considerations when visiting the Preserve:

  • Daytime visitors are welcome.
  • Obey Signs - Some areas prohibit public access.
  • No vehicles allowed beyond parking area.
  • Scheduling of overnight facilities is done by "on-line" reservations not more than 4 months in advance and at least 7 working days in advance. (Click on the "Visiting" tab at the top of the page.)
  • Please be cautious of Preserve's dogs. Do not bring your own dogs onto the Preserve.